Weaving itself is one of the oldest surviving practices in the world, with a history rooted in the Neolithic period (c.9000-4000BCE). This was very popular where every household was producing cloth for personal use.

The majority of woven products are created with one of the following basic weaves:

Plain Weave

Satin or

Twill weave.

Weaving can be a pattern of different colours, decorative or plain. Weaving can be really easy or as difficult as you want it to make it.

If you want to try weaving as a hobby the best way to start of is to get an A4 piece of thick card and cut slits either end of the card, either horizontal or vertical, the slits being about half a centimetre or a centimetre apart, depending on how wide you want your weave to be. Cut a long piece of material (ideally white wool) and go up and down around the slits to make lines to in and out to weave. Mastering everything there is to learn about weaving will of course take time.

Weaving can be done using different materials, such as plastic, wool, silk, cotton and many other materials, be creative as possible! My favourite to use is wool because I can create lovely warm rugs and blankets from it and its nice and soft to touch.

Weaving is a fun and an inexpensive activity, because you can weave using materials from around your home. Weaving helps your child to develop their fine motor skills as well as eye-hand coordination and concentration.

If you would like to learn more and want help with your creations then drop me an email and I would be happy to help at zenmutz2009@live.co.uk


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